

  Michael Knapp


OVGA Golf Fitness Specialist

ISSA Fitness Certified Member

Owner of The FITT Factory



Michael Knapp is a professional fitness trainer, earns his fitness certificate from ISSA and has over 13 years of hands on experience. Michael owns and operates his own fitness studio, The FITT Factory, in San Bernardino where he designs nutrition and exercise programs for all types of people. With an emphasis on movement, Michael works with individuals and groups using exercise and stretching techniques that stimulate the kinetic chain to be more efficient in reducing, sustaining and producing force in all planes of movement while maintaining balance. 


麦可是一位专业体能教练,ISSA(国际体育科学协会)认证体能教练,超过13年的教学经验。麦可在南加州的San Bernardino创办及拥有FITT Factory体能训练中心,这是一家专门为不同类型的人量身定做最适合自己的饮食健康和健身计划。在强调力学方面,不管是个人或团体的教学领域,麦可会利用运动和伸展原理来刺激一连串的身体动力学,如此一来,更能够有效的减低、维持和制造各种不同类型的力量,同时也能够保持各方面的均衡。