Eric Chen

Director of Administration
Eric Chen
Eric Chen loves sports all his life and was a member on multiple sport teams in college. He attended Georgia State University where he graduated with a Masters Degree in Business Information Systems. With his experienced bilingual administrative skills, his vision is to provide junior students the opportunity to attain a vast academic and cultural education with a strong golf background. He believes in placing the spot light on each student, assisting them in whatever they need, and guiding them to a success future.
橡树谷学院陈教务长(Eric Chen),毕业于乔治亚州立大学资讯管理硕士,精通英文和中文,热爱各种球类运动,让球员在赛事、生活或是学习上,提供最迅速和有效的帮助。对初到美国的学员,用亲切、和蔼的态度来打消其陌生感和顾虑,辅导其逐渐适应海外生活;专業安排適合赛事行程,在各个方面都给予帮助,为在这里接受培训和学习的华裔选手提供便利的生活以及语言环境,帮助学员提高学习积极性和适应力,令其完全适应美国大环境的目的。